Sunday | July 16, 2000
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Living by the law

Avia Ustanny, Staff Reporter

"Man's sexual drive was God's idea. Hormones, erections, tender breasts and ejaculation, the stomach somersaulting with desires was God's brainchild." - Andre Davis, psychologist.

IS CELIBACY a requirement for the unmarried Christian?

Setting out the conclusions derived from theology, Andre Davis said: "The unmarried Christian is required to lead a celibate life according to the teachings and traditions of the Church. Underlying this restriction is a philosophical and theological perspective of sex and sexuality which is central to the lifestyle of persons in the community of faith.

"Sexuality from the Christian viewpoint provides expression both genitally and socially; this perspective says that God is the one who conceived and thought of man's sexuality. The Genesis account portrays man as male and female created in Imago Deo (the image of God). Man's sexual drive was God's idea.

"Hormones, erections, tender breasts and ejaculation, the stomach somersaulting with desires was God's brainchild. God called what he made good, but set it in a context for optimal functioning, (just as a car was not created for driving on the high seas unless made for James Bond).

"The context within which the Genesis account stipulates genital sexuality is within heterosexual marriage. But, there is another from of sexuality which we can term social sexuality which consists in the tender relationships we experience. This is the affectionate, tender and compassionate side of sexuality where affection, tenderness and warmth are expressions of sexuality, although not specifically genital.

"This could be the expression of sexuality found in the person of Jesus Christ whose possession of a penis often escapes the thinking process of many. His humanity would have sexuality integrated within his personal being and he was celibate. He had warm and loving relationships with persons of both gender and, therefore, becomes the ultimate model for the unmarried Christian.

"The Pauline teaching (writings of Paul) sees celibacy as equal with that of marriage, but encourages the unmarried Christian to choose marriage if he or she desires to find genital fulfilment of sexuality. There are some indications that specific individuals have been given a special grace to live without genital sexual expression so that they may focus on the King's business. This, it could be argued, could be seen in the life of the apostle Paul."

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