THE EDITOR, Madam:I AM breathing a sigh of relief after reading in The Sunday Gleaner, June 25, of steps being taken to finally control the unhealthy conditions which existed at the Riverton City Dump.
I have had personal experience of living in the Washington Gardens area and through the air pollution that existed within a three mile radius, I had to run for my life. That place caused me to develop sinusitis.
In furtherance to what is taking place now, I would like the Minister of Housing and Environment to make a personal visit and look at the amount of silt that has accumulated in the gully, that section which runs south of Spanish Town Road and parallel to Riverton City.
As far as I see, it is unsightly and a breeding ground for mosquitoes, therefore unhealthy. I think it is high time funds are provided and effort made to clean the gully. I suggest the said silt could be used to overlay the garbage and other areas which need back filling.
I am, etc.,
Spanish Town
St. Catherine