THE EDITOR, Madam:I AM an American who loves visiting the beautiful island of Jamaica. I have visited Jamaica over 20 times. Only once (the first time in 1987) did I and my wife stay at a hotel. Since that time, we rent a room with a Jamaican family. We are the type of tourists who love meeting the people and checking out the culture.
Over the years I have met many very nice Jamaicans from all levels of society. And like anywhere else in the world, especially here in the United States, there is crime. Jamaica has always had to deal with the undeserving reputation that it is a dangerous place. Today that image is helped by the all-inclusive resorts that lock their guests in a "Golden Prison" where no Yardy is allowed in! Where guests are told it is not safe to venture outside, and why spend your extra dollars with the poor locals, when you have everything here.
Yes, another tourist has vanished, but tourists vanish all over the world. So why the bad reputation for Jamaica? A reputation that can only be erased by tourists like myself telling other tourists how wonderful the overwhelming majority of Jamaicans are!
I am etc.,
New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Via Go-Jamaica