THE EDITOR, Madam:ISN'T IT bad enough that criminals are painting a pretty grim picture of Jamaica to the outside world? Now the police have joined them as well. I think it is time the Jamaican people demand that someone be held responsible for such actions. Here in the United Kingdom it is making headline news so don't expect to see U.K. visitors flocking to our island in the near future.
I mean, how can so-called trained professional police open fire on a bus carrying passengers. Then to make matters worse, "THE" Minister of National Security K.D. Knight and "HIS" (Police) Commissioner Francis Forbes said at a meeting, (according to) a quote from your paper 04/07/2000, he was not there "to bash them". Now isn't that insanity?
Unfortunately, in most parts of the world statements like that coming from a high ranking official such Mr. Knight would not be taken lightly. How fortunate it is to have such reassurance coming from a leader of our beautiful island. Please tell Mr. Knight and Mr. Forbes to be thankful that the Jamaican people and politicians on all sides take such events with acceptance.
I am etc.,
Oaklands Rd, Pennfields
Wolverhampton, U.K.
Via Go-Jamaica