Seaga: I am not going yet
Opposition Leader Edward Seaga says he has no intention of stepping down now and have people he described as "dissidents" hijack the leadership of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP).

Gas dealers dropping out of business
Competition for market share in the petroleum industry has made the Jamaican Gasolene Retailers Association (JGRA) more anxious than ever for legislation to protect their members' interests.

Gov't promises brighter Festival
The Government is adding new events to the highlights of this year's Independence celebrations, despite competing events and diminishing private sector support.

Standards violated - new JBS head
Newly-appointed boss of the Jamaica Bureau of Standards, Dr. Omer Thomas, has accused the bureau of abuse of the Standards Act, and failure to enforce some provisions of the Act.

Jamaica to help fund South Commission
Jamaica is to assist in funding the preparatory work on the setting up of the proposed South Co-ordinating Commission.